Significance of Principle

The concept of Principle is interpreted in various ways across different philosophical traditions. In Jainism and Mahayana Buddhism, it denotes fundamental truths that guide understanding and behaviors. Vaishnavism views it as a foundational truth for belief systems, while Vyakarana emphasizes its role in understanding sentence-meaning. Dharmashastra focuses on the essential aspects of creation. Overall, Principle serves as a central theme across these philosophies, illustrating the diverse approaches to fundamental truths and doctrines in spiritual belief systems.1
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Synonyms: Rule, Tenet, Doctrine, Standard, Law, Precept, Belief, Assumption

In Dutch: Beginsel; In German: Prinzip; In Finnish: Periaate; In Spanish: Principio

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Principle'

Hindu concept of 'Principle'

Jain concept of 'Principle'

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