Significance of Preserving life
The concept of Preserving life, as outlined in the Purana, underscores the critical priority individuals place on survival during times of extreme distress. It emphasizes that when faced with dire situations, the instinct to stay alive can transcend traditional moral codes and ethical guidelines. This viewpoint highlights the fundamental human drive to prioritize life preservation over other concerns, framing survival as the utmost concern in extreme circumstances.
Synonyms: Maintaining life, Saving lives, Life preservation
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Hindu concept of 'Preserving life'
In Hinduism, preserving life emphasizes survival as a primary concern, especially in extreme distress, suggesting that the instinct to live may override rigid moral principles during critical situations.
From: Mahabharata (English)
(1) The paramount concern of individuals facing extreme distress; prioritizing survival over strict adherence to moral codes.[1]