Significance of Present

The concept of Present is interpreted differently across various traditions. In Tibetan Buddhism, it simply refers to something that exists. In Purana, the Present includes gifts exchanged during weddings as symbols of love and commitment, as well as offerings required by Maya in exchange for companionship. Dharmashastra considers Present as gifts exchanged in marriage, tokens of respect, and additional offerings indicating generosity. Theravada highlights gifts demanded by brahmins in exchange for their commendations. Each perspective reflects the significance of Present in cultural and spiritual contexts.1
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Synonyms: Gift, Donation, Offering, Performance, Appearance, Current, Existing, Contemporary

In Dutch: Cadeau; In German: Gegenwärtig; In Finnish: Esittää; In Spanish: Presente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Present'

Hindu concept of 'Present'

The concept of Present in local and regional sources

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