Significance of Prayoga

Prayoga encompasses a range of meanings across different fields. In spiritual practices, it denotes the performance of rituals and offerings for spiritual benefits and social harmony, particularly within Shaktism where it refers to the application of deity sadhanas. In historical context, it highlights the innovative use of complex Ragas by Muthuswami. Additionally, in the realm of science, Prayoga pertains to the methodical administration of Parpati formulations, adjusting dosages to suit individual patient conditions.1
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Synonyms: Usage, Application, Practice, Experiment, Trial

In Dutch: Bidden; In German: Prayoga; In Finnish: Prayoga; In Spanish: Prayoga

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Prayoga'

The concept of Prayoga in local and regional sources

The concept of Prayoga in scientific sources

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