Significance of Powder characteristics
Powder characteristics encompass various attributes of pulverized plant materials, focusing on their distinct traits for species identification and pharmacognostical analysis. This includes examining physical properties such as color, aroma, flowability, density, and moisture content, all of which affect formulation and performance in manufacturing processes. The characteristics of powdered forms, like that of S. nux-vomica and Zanthoxylum armatum, are crucial for understanding the herbal quality and suitability for use in products, highlighting the importance of these properties in herbal studies.
Synonyms: Powder properties
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The concept of Powder characteristics in scientific sources
Powder characteristics involve analyzing the powdered form of plant bark to identify its components and physical properties, such as moisture content and flow, which are crucial for effective tablet manufacturing.
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) Powder characteristics refer to the physical and sensory attributes of the dried and powdered form of the herb, including color and taste, as described in the study.[1] (2) The physical properties of herbal powders, such as flow properties, appearance, and packaging criteria.[2] (3) Physical traits and properties of powdered plant material, including color and aroma.[3] (4) The physical and chemical properties of the powdered form of Zanthoxylum armatum, analyzed for pharmacognostical study.[4] (5) The distinct traits of the powdered leaf used for identifying the species and understanding its properties.[5]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Physical properties of the drug powder, including flowability, density, and moisture content, that affect formulation and performance.[6] (2) Aspects of the powdered form of the plant's bark examined to identify its components and physical properties.[7]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Physical properties of powdered substances, such as moisture content and flow properties, that influence the manufacturing process of tablets.[8]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) Physical properties of the powdered form of S. nux-vomica, assessed as part of pharmacognostical analysis.[9]