Significance of Plaque index
The plaque index refers to a clinical measure used to assess the amount of dental plaque present on teeth, which is crucial for monitoring oral hygiene and periodontal health. It serves as an evaluation metric that quantifies dental plaque accumulation, aiding in the assessment of oral hygiene status throughout various studies. The index is recorded at different time points and is often utilized to determine the effectiveness of treatments for periodontal diseases.
Synonyms: Oral hygiene index, Dental plaque index
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The concept of Plaque index in scientific sources
The Plaque index is a measurement tool that quantifies dental plaque accumulation on teeth using a scoring system, often aided by a Disclosing Agent, to assess and improve oral health.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A clinical parameter that assesses the presence of plaque around implants and teeth.[1] (2) PI is a scoring system utilized to assess the amount of dental plaque present on the teeth as an indication of Oral hygiene.[2] (3) Plaque index (PI) is a clinical measure used to assess the amount of dental plaque present on teeth, integral to evaluating oral health and its association with halitosis.[3] (4) A clinical measure used to assess the amount of dental plaque on teeth.[4] (5) A scoring system used to quantify the amount of plaque on teeth and evaluate oral hygiene status.[5]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A numerical value used to quantify the amount of dental plaque on teeth, helping assess oral hygiene and gum health.[6] (2) A scoring system used to evaluate the amount of dental plaque present on teeth, which is crucial for assessing oral hygiene efficacy.[7] (3) A scoring system used to evaluate the amount of dental plaque present, which can correlate with periodontal health.[8] (4) A clinical measure used to quantify the level of dental plaque accumulation on tooth surfaces.[9] (5) A measure used in dentistry to quantify the amount of dental plaque present on the tooth surfaces.[10]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A measurement tool used to assess the level of dental plaque, specifically the Turesky modification of the Quigley Hein Plaque index in this study.[11] (2) A clinical parameter used to assess the amount of dental plaque present, evaluated in the study at different time intervals.[12] (3) A scoring system that quantifies the amount of dental plaque present on the teeth, used to assess oral hygiene status and the effectiveness of dental treatments.[13] (4) A clinical measurement used to evaluate the amount of dental plaque accumulation on the tooth surfaces.[14] (5) A scoring system to quantify the amount of plaque on teeth, important for assessing oral health.[15]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A measure used to assess the amount of plaque on teeth.[16] (2) A score used to measure the amount of dental plaque present on teeth.[17]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Plaque index was noted with the help of Disclosing Agent to evaluate plaque accumulation.[18]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) A measurement used to assess the amount of dental plaque present on teeth, providing an indication of oral hygiene status.[19]