Significance of Pharmacognostic standardization
Pharmacognostic standardization encompasses the processes involved in establishing consistent quality standards for identifying, evaluating purity, and ensuring the quality of raw plant materials used in herbal medicine. This includes the development of parameters for quality control and analysis of medicinal plants, utilizing techniques like microscopy and chemical analysis. By focusing on the authenticity and quality of herbal products, pharmacognostic standardization plays a crucial role in the effectiveness and safety of herbal medicine, including specific plants like Cissampelos pareira.
Synonyms: Herbal standardization, Botanical standardization, Phytochemical evaluation, Quality control of herbal drugs
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The concept of Pharmacognostic standardization in scientific sources
Pharmacognostic standardization involves evaluating and establishing quality control standards for medicinal plants through microscopy, chemical analysis, and comprehensive assessments of morphological, physical, chemical, and biological parameters to ensure the identification and purity of crude drugs.
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) The process of establishing consistent standards for identifying and analyzing raw plant materials used as drugs in homeopathy.[1] (2) Process aimed at verifying the authenticity and quality of drug plant materials.[2] (3) The establishment of standards for identifying, evaluating purity, and ensuring the quality of herbal drugs derived from Cissampelos pareira.[3]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) The process of establishing standards for the identification, purity, and quality of medicinal plants.[4] (2) The process of evaluating and establishing the quality control standards for medicinal plants through various assessments including microscopy and chemical analysis.[5] (3) The process of establishing standards for the identification and purity of crude drugs, which is crucial in the analysis and quality control of medicinal plants.[6]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) A comprehensive approach to quality evaluation that includes morphological, physical, chemical, and biological parameters.[7]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) The process of establishing consistent quality and identity for herbal products based on their characteristics and properties.[8]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) The practice of identifying and setting parameters to guarantee the quality and purity of herbal medicinal products.[9]