Significance of Persistent effort

Persistent effort is characterized by continuous and determined attempts towards a goal across various philosophies. In the Purana, it signifies dedicated actions aimed at success. Mahayana emphasizes continuous work reflecting tenacity and determination. Theravada focuses on unwavering effort to improve oneself and attain spiritual goals. In Indian history, persistent effort highlights the dedication necessary to master skills, such as music. Overall, the concept underscores the importance of sustained commitment in achieving various objectives.

Synonyms: Diligence, Perseverance, Determination, Tenacity, Steadfastness, Continuity, Endurance, Resilience

In Dutch: Volhardende inspanning; In Finnish: Jatkuva yritys; In Spanish: Esfuerzo persistente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Persistent effort'

Hindu concept of 'Persistent effort'

The concept of Persistent effort in local and regional sources

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