Significance of Periodontal dressing
Periodontal dressing is a protective material applied to surgical sites in the mouth following periodontal surgery, designed to shield the area while promoting healing. It serves multiple functions: protecting the wound from trauma, preventing infection, and supporting recovery after procedures such as gingivectomy. This dressing does not have curative properties but creates optimal conditions for healing, minimizing discomfort for the patient. Overall, periodontal dressings play a crucial role in recovery after dental surgeries by safeguarding and facilitating the healing process.
Synonyms: Periodontal pack, Surgical dressing
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The concept of Periodontal dressing in scientific sources
Periodontal dressing is a protective material applied after dental surgeries to shield surgical sites from saliva, food, and trauma, promoting healing and reducing the risk of infection in periodontal treatments.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Material applied to a surgical site following periodontal procedures to protect the area during healing.[1] (2) A protective covering applied over a surgical site to reduce trauma and promote healing; it does not possess curative properties.[2] (3) A protective covering applied after periodontal surgery to support healing and prevent infection.[3] (4) A protective material applied to the surgical site after flap closure to facilitate healing and protect the area.[4] (5) A material applied over a surgical site to protect the wound after periodontal procedures.[5]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A supportive material applied postoperatively to assist in healing after surgical excision of the lesion.[6] (2) Protective materials applied over surgical wounds created by periodontal procedures to shield them from saliva, food, and trauma.[7]