Significance of Passivity
In the context of India history, passivity denotes a state of yielding or being passive. This concept is exemplified in Caesar's acceptance of his fate, which stands in contrast to the usual behaviors observed in tragic heroes. This distinction highlights how different characters respond to their circumstances, with Caesar's passive acceptance serving as a pivotal point in his narrative.
Synonyms: Inactivity, Indifference, Apathy, Inertia, Submission, Acquiescence, Non-resistance, Compliance, Docility, Inaction
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The concept of Passivity in local and regional sources
Passivity signifies a state of submission, exemplified in Caesar's acceptance of his fate, contrasting sharply with the proactive tendencies of traditional tragic heroes, highlighting a unique characteristic in his portrayal and narrative.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The acceptance of submissive roles by women in society, which Desai critiques and suggests should be transcended to achieve empowerment.[1] (2) The state of being passive or yielding; seen in Caesar's approach to his fate, contrasting with typical responses of tragic heroes.[2]