Significance of Particular
Synonyms: Specific, Individual, Unique, Definite
In Spanish: Particular; In Dutch: Bijzonder; In Finnish: Erityistä
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Particular'
In Buddhism, "Particular" encompasses specific mental factors linked to certain consciousness types, unique entities like 'Variegated Cow', and distinct characteristics that differentiate one concept from another, highlighting individuality within broader universals.
From: Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
(1) Specific instances or examples that embody individual characteristics.[1] (2) Specific entities that can be uniquely identified, exemplified by terms like 'Variegated Cow', which refer to distinct instances within universal categories.[2] (3) Specific instances or individual things that fall under a broader category or universal.[3] (4) A specific instance or example within a broader category or concept.[4] (5) Elements or instances that are identified as either similar or dissimilar, indicating a characterization of either 'universal' or 'particular'.[5]
From: A Manual of Abhidhamma
(1) Mental states that have specific links to certain types of consciousness as opposed to general states.[6]
From: Cetasikas
(1) Particulars are specific mental factors that do not arise with every citta but instead with those of the four jatis, like chanda, viriya, and adhimokkha.[7]
From: Patthanuddesa Dipani
(1) Six mental properties defined as pakinnaka that include initial application, sustained application, deciding, effort, pleasurable interest, and desire-to-do.[8]
From: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (A Life of Buddha)
(1) A specific characteristic or quality, suggesting that the Fo-pen-hing-king does not share significant features with the Buddhacarita-kavya.[9]
Hindu concept of 'Particular'
In Hinduism, "Particular" refers to distinct instances or meanings within a broader framework, emphasizing specific words or concepts that convey unique interpretations rather than generic applications. It highlights the significance of context and individual elements.
From: Vakyapadiya of Bhartrihari
(1) Sphota can be considered either the Universal or the Particular.[10] (2) A specific instance or meaning that is denoted by the words, as opposed to a generic or broad interpretation.[11] (3) Specific or distinct, especially in reference to the meanings of individual words rather than their broader applications.[12] (4) A specific instance or element which may have distinct characteristics not shared with others.[13] (5) Specific instances or examples that stand alone in relation to the broader context.[14]
From: Vakyapadiya (study of the concept of Sentence)
(1) The specific meaning conveyed by a sentence formed through the interrelationship of words.[15]