Significance of Odds ratio
Odds ratio is a statistical measure used to assess the association between exposure and an outcome, quantifying the odds of an event in an exposed group compared to a non-exposed group. It is widely applied in epidemiological studies to evaluate various risk factors, determine the strength of relationships, and estimate the likelihood of conditions like hypertension, disease susceptibility, or treatment effectiveness. This measure helps researchers understand how exposure influences outcomes in different groups.
Synonyms: Risk ratio, Likelihood ratio
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The concept of Odds ratio in scientific sources
The Odds ratio is a statistical measure essential for evaluating associations, such as the connection between excessive sour diet intake and symptoms, as well as between genetic variants and type 2 diabetes, quantifying the strength of these relationships.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A statistic used in research to measure the odds of an event occurring in one group compared to another, suggesting the strength of an association between a factor and a condition.[1] (2) A statistical measure that represents the odds of a particular outcome occurring in a group compared to another, used in assessing the risk factors associated with electrolyte imbalance.[2] (3) A statistical measure used to compare the odds of an event occurring in two different groups, commonly used in epidemiological studies.[3] (4) A statistic used to measure the odds of an outcome occurring in the exercise group compared to the control group.[4] (5) A measure of association between exposure and an outcome, indicating the odds of the outcome occurring in exposed individuals versus non-exposed individuals.[5]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) A statistical measure used to describe the odds of a certain outcome occurring in one group compared to another, particularly in medical studies.[6] (2) A statistic that quantifies the strength of the association between two events, often used in case-control studies.[7] (3) A statistical measure used in the study to determine the odds of a particular outcome occurring in relation to the presence of a risk factor.[8] (4) A statistical measure used in this study to estimate the likelihood of hypertension associated with various risk factors, with values expressed as odds ratios from the multinomial logistic regression.[9] (5) A statistical measure that quantifies the strength of the association between a specific genetic variant and the risk of developing a disease, in this case, breast cancer.[10]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A statistic that quantifies the odds of a particular outcome occurring in a group compared to another group.[11] (2) A statistic that quantifies the odds of periodontal destruction in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetics.[12] (3) Statistical measures used in the study to investigate the strength of the association between chronic periodontitis and components of metabolic syndrome.[13] (4) A statistical measure used in the study to assess the strength of association between neutrophil function defects and prevalence of aggressive periodontitis.[14]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A statistical measure that quantifies the strength of the association between two events, in this case, the relationship between genetic variants and type 2 diabetes.[15] (2) Odds ratio is a statistical measure used in the study to evaluate the relationship between excessive intake of sour diets and various symptoms.[16]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) A statistic that quantifies the strength of association between two events, typically used in epidemiological studies to assess risk factors.[17] (2) A statistical measure used to determine the odds of a certain outcome occurring in relation to exposure to specific risk factors.[18]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A statistic that quantifies the odds of an outcome occurring in the intervention group compared to the control group, providing insights into the effectiveness of the intervention.[19] (2) Odds ratios are a measure of association between exposure to a certain risk factor and an outcome (here, CAD), used in statistical analysis to indicate the odds of the outcome occurring given the exposure.[20]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) A statistical measure used in the study to determine the strength of the association between the overuse of salty taste and various health symptoms.[21]