Significance of Obtain liberation
Obtain liberation in Vaishnavism signifies the journey towards freedom from material existence, relying on the grace of Prakriti-devi. In the context of the Purana, it describes the achievement of spiritual liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth, attained through devotion and knowledge. Both interpretations emphasize the importance of divine favor and understanding in the pursuit of spiritual freedom.
Synonyms: Gain emancipation
In Dutch: Bevrijding verkrijgen; In Finnish: Hanki vapautus; In Spanish: Obtener la liberación
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Obtain liberation'
In Buddhism, "Obtain liberation" signifies the ultimate aim of escaping the cycle of birth and death by gaining insight into the true nature of one's mind and perception, leading to spiritual freedom and enlightenment.
From: Shurangama Sutra (with commentary) (English)
(1) The ultimate goal of breaking free from the cycles of birth and death through understanding the true nature of one's mind and eyes.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Obtain liberation'
In Hinduism, "obtain liberation" signifies achieving spiritual freedom from the cycle of reincarnation through devotion, knowledge, and the grace of Prakriti-devi, freeing oneself from the confines of material existence.
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) The process of achieving freedom from material existence which requires the favor of Prakriti-devi.[2]
From: Bhajana-Rahasya
(1) The goal of living entities to free themselves from the cycle of birth and death, seeking a state of inertness instead of enduring the pains of material existence.[3]
From: Bhagavata Purana
(1) The attainment of spiritual freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth through devotion and knowledge.[4]