Significance of Non pregnant women
The term "non pregnant women" refers to individuals who are not currently in a state of pregnancy and are primarily used as a control group in various studies. These women serve as a benchmark for comparing various health and physiological outcomes against pregnant women. This includes aspects of oral health, nutritional status, and serum levels, allowing researchers to gain insights into the effects of pregnancy by contrasting them with the health parameters of non pregnant women.
Synonyms: Nulliparous women
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
The concept of Non pregnant women in scientific sources
Non pregnant women serve as a crucial control group in studies, providing baseline serum levels for comparison with pregnant women, thus enabling researchers to evaluate health outcomes and differences between these two populations effectively.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Women who are not pregnant, used as a comparison group in studies examining the physiological effects of pregnancy.[1] (2) Women who are not currently pregnant, used as a control group for comparisons in the study.[2] (3) The control group in the study against which the serum levels of pregnant women were compared.[3] (4) Women who are not pregnant, used as a control group in studies to compare health outcomes against pregnant women.[4]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Women who are not in a state of pregnancy, serving as a control group for comparing oral health status with pregnant women.[5]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Women who are not currently pregnant, focusing on their health and nutritional status in the study.[6]