Significance of Nature of illusion

The Nature of illusion, as described in Tibetan Buddhism and Purana, emphasizes the fundamentally deceptive aspect of reality. It highlights how the material world presents temporary manifestations that can mislead individuals, creating false perceptions of happiness and strength. This deceptive quality is linked to experiences with demons and goblins within Purana texts. Additionally, the concept of Maya is central to these teachings, recognized as the source of all illusions that cloud perception and understanding in the world.

Synonyms: Deception, Misconception, Mirage, Fantasy, Delusion, Reverie, Falsity, Appearance, Trickery, Deceptive appearance, False impression, Chimera

In Dutch: Aard van illusie; In German: Natur der Illusion; In Finnish: Illuusion luonne; In Spanish: Naturaleza de la ilusión

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Nature of illusion'

Hindu concept of 'Nature of illusion'

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