Significance of Native land

Native land, in various philosophical contexts, signifies a deep connection to one's origins and sense of belonging. In Jainism, it symbolizes Anka's original place granted by Acala and Kashi's role in personal healing. Purana highlights its significance for Trijata and the Brahmanas, emphasizing redemption. Mahayana adds insights, relating native land to the Buddha's upbringing and his ties to his birthplace, while also referencing Karna's origin. Overall, native land serves to represent the essential relationship individuals hold with their homelands.

Synonyms: Homeland, Motherland, Birthplace, Fatherland

In Dutch: Inheems land; In German: Heimat; In Finnish: Kotimaa; In Spanish: Tierra natal

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Native land'

Hindu concept of 'Native land'

Jain concept of 'Native land'

The concept of Native land in local and regional sources

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