Significance of Miserable person

The concept of a Miserable person varies across different texts. In Jainism, it refers to someone who suffers and wishes harm upon others, causing their own pain. Arthashastra describes a Miserable person as someone in distress who requires help from others. The Purana depicts such individuals as vulnerable and in adversity, experiencing deep emotional turmoil from unmet desires and unfavorable circumstances. Additionally, it illustrates Andhaka's self-reflection on his wrongdoings, leading him to seek redemption for his misery.

Synonyms: Unhappy person, Wretched person, Sufferer

In Dutch: Ellendig persoon; In Finnish: Surkea ihminen; In Spanish: Persona miserable

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Miserable person'

Jain concept of 'Miserable person'

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