Significance of Misconception

Misconception in Tibetan Buddhism signifies a false understanding stemming from distorted perceptions, leading to disagreements and misunderstandings about nature. In Vaishnavism, it refers to misguided beliefs causing obstacles in life's activities and misinterpretations of devotional practices. Both traditions emphasize the importance of clarity and correct understanding, with Vaishnavism particularly noting the limitations of perceiving Bhagavan only through physical senses, urging a deeper, mind-based comprehension. Overall, misconception represents a significant barrier to spiritual insight in both philosophies.

Synonyms: Fallacy, Error, Misunderstanding, Delusion, False belief, Myth, Misinterpretation, Illusion, Mistake, False impression

In Dutch: Misvatting; In Finnish: Väärinkäsitys; In Spanish: Idea falsa

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Buddhist concept of 'Misconception'

Hindu concept of 'Misconception'

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