Significance of Methodology

Methodology, as defined in both Jainism and Science, refers to the systematic approaches used for presenting and conducting research. In Jainism, it emphasizes clarity in complex ideas. In scientific contexts, it encompasses various systematic methods for research, including study design, data collection, and analysis. Methodology also describes specific procedures and techniques employed in studies, such as assessing the effectiveness of treatments or understanding cultural practices. Overall, it highlights the organized frameworks that drive effective research and data interpretation.

Synonyms: Approach, Procedure, System, Process, Strategy, Mode, Way., Plan

In Dutch: Methodologie; In Finnish: Metodologia; In Spanish: Metodología

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Jain concept of 'Methodology'

The concept of Methodology in scientific sources

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