Significance of Medical doctor

The term Medical doctor is understood in various contexts according to Tibetan Buddhism, Vaishnavism, Indian history, and science. In Tibetan Buddhism, it relates to the sage Caraka's authority in health matters. In Vaishnavism, it describes hired professionals for the wealthy. Indian history acknowledges figures like Pattabhi for expertise in surgery without formal degrees. In science, the term encompasses health professionals diagnosing and treating patients, particularly regarding conditions like periodontal diseases. Each perspective emphasizes different aspects of the medical profession.

Synonyms: Physician, Doctor, Healthcare professional, Surgeon, Practitioner, General practitioner, Healthcare provider, Medical practitioner

In Dutch: Medisch arts; In German: Arzt; In Finnish: Lääkäri; In Spanish: Doctor en medicina

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Medical doctor'

Hindu concept of 'Medical doctor'

The concept of Medical doctor in local and regional sources

The concept of Medical doctor in scientific sources

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