Significance of Manya
In Vaishnavism, the concept of Manya pertains to respect and worthiness. This notion is explored by the Alvar, who questions how the worship performed by creatures measures up to that of the Lord. The inquiry reflects a deeper contemplation on the value and significance of worship, emphasizing the importance of understanding what is deemed worthy in the context of devotion to the divine. Thus, Manya plays a vital role in the philosophical discourse surrounding worship in this tradition.
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Hindu concept of 'Manya'
In Hinduism, Manya signifies respect and worthiness, prompting reflection on the value of worship from beings versus that of the divine, as questioned by the Alvar in their spiritual inquiry.
From: Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
(1) The concept of respect and worthiness, which the Alvar questions when considering the worth of worship offered by creatures compared to the Lord.[1]