Significance of Mana (mind)

According to Vedanta, Mana, or mind, is seen as the mental sheath that comprises thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, playing a crucial role in shaping them as part of the subtle body. In contrast, Science views Mana as the mental processes influencing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, defining it as an individual's mental state or consciousness that can be impacted by physical ailments and emotional stress. Overall, both perspectives emphasize the significance of Mana in understanding the complexities of human mental functioning.

Synonyms: Spirit, Energy, Power, Influence, Essence, Vitality, Life force, Intellect, Vital force

In Dutch: Mana (geest); In Finnish: Mana (mieli); In Spanish: Maná (mente)

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Mana (mind)'

The concept of Mana (mind) in scientific sources

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