Significance of Majesty

In Vaishnavism, Majesty encompasses the grandeur and dignity linked to the Lord's presence. Similarly, in Purana, Majesty denotes the authority and high status of Karandhama among kings, the impressive presence of King Dasaratha, and serves as a respectful term acknowledging the royal status and power of a king. Overall, Majesty reflects both divine and royal attributes, highlighting the significance of dignity and authority in both contexts.1
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Synonyms: Sovereignty, Grandeur, Royalty, Magnificence, Splendor, Nobility

In Dutch: Majesteit; In German: Majestät; In Finnish: Majesteetti; In Spanish: Majestad

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Majesty'

Hindu concept of 'Majesty'

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