Significance of Majesty
Synonyms: Sovereignty, Grandeur, Royalty, Magnificence, Splendor, Nobility
In Dutch: Majesteit; In German: Majestät; In Finnish: Majesteetti; In Spanish: Majestad
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Majesty'
In Buddhism, "Majesty" is a term used by the Prince to express respect and acknowledge the Buddha's esteemed status, reflecting the reverence and honor attributed to the enlightened one.
From: Maha Buddhavamsa—The Great Chronicle of Buddhas
(1) A term used by the Prince when addressing the Buddha, indicating respect and acknowledgment of the Buddha's status.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Majesty'
In Hinduism, "Majesty" embodies royal respect, divine grandeur, and dignified presence, as exemplified by the esteemed figures of King Dasaratha and Karandhama, symbolizing authority and high standing among kings.
From: Ramayana of Valmiki (Shastri)
(1) The dignified grandeur or royal authority that characterized King Dasaratha’s reign.[2] (2) The impressive grandeur and dignity associated with King Dasaratha and his presence.[3] (3) A respectful address for a king, indicating his royal status and power.[4]
From: Markandeya Purana
(1) The authority and high status that Karandhama holds among other kings.[5]
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) The grandeur and impressive nature of Bhagavan Shri Upendra, which Gopa-kumara is asked not to fear.[6] (2) The grandeur and dignity associated with the Lord's presence[7]
From: Chandogya Upanishad (Shankara Bhashya)
(1) In the context of the text, it refers to worldly possessions such as cows, horses, and gold that people consider as expressions of greatness, which the Infinite does not rely upon.[8]