Significance of Love for Krishna
Love for Krishna is characterized by a profound and deep emotional devotion that individuals can cultivate through various practices such as nama-sankirtana and engaging with teachings from figures like Nityananda. This devotion represents an intense affectionate bond towards Krishna, the central figure in Vaishnavism, surpassing worldly attachments and often leading to spiritual fulfillment. It encompasses a wide range of emotional states and is a crucial aspect of devotion, underscoring the ultimate aspiration of every devotee seeking a deep connection with the divine.
Synonyms: Devotion to krishna, Affection for krishna, Attachment to krishna, Worship of krishna, Allegiance to krishna
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Love for Krishna'
Love for Krishna in Hinduism signifies profound emotion and devotion towards the deity, central to spiritual practice, characterized by heartfelt attachment, ecstatic experiences, and transformative devotion inspired by teachings, culminating in the ultimate spiritual aspiration.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) A deep spiritual affection and devotion directed towards Lord Krishna, which supersedes attachment to material objects.[1] (2) The devotion and affection directed towards Krishna, a central figure in Hindu spirituality.[2] (3) A unique and powerful form of devotion that invokes deep emotional responses, surpassing ordinary affection and encompassing both joy and restlessness.[3] (4) An intense affection and devotion towards Krishna, often seen as a mark of a true devotee.[4] (5) The increasing affection and devotion towards Krishna, resulting from hearing the names of Hari and engaging in kirtana.[5]
From: Garga Samhita (English)
(1) A deep emotional attachment and devotion towards Krishna.[6] (2) This refers to the affectionate and passionate feelings that the gopis have specifically directed towards Krishna.[7] (3) The profound emotional and spiritual connection that devotees have towards Lord Krishna.[8] (4) An emotional attachment or affection directed towards Krishna, often seen in spiritual or devotional contexts.[9]
From: Sri Krishna-Chaitanya
(1) The longing and devotional attachment that Nimai Pandit exemplifies towards Krishna, guiding his actions and purpose.[10] (2) The ultimate aspiration of the devotee, characterized by an all-encompassing attachment and service to Krishna, transcending all worldly attachments.[11] (3) The supreme devotion to Krishna characterized by sincere emotional attachment and motivation to serve Him, as exemplified by figures like Sri Isvara Puri.[12]
From: Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
(1) A profound emotional attachment or devotion to Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism.[13] (2) The affection and devotion that blossoms within the creepers as a result of their connection to Krishna.[14]
From: Bhajana-Rahasya
(1) The heartfelt devotion and affection for Lord Krishna that arises through the practice of nama-sankirtana.[15]
From: Sahitya-kaumudi by Baladeva Vidyabhushana
(1) A deep spiritual and emotional attachment directed towards Krishna, a deity in Hinduism.[16] (2) An emotion described as more fearsome and complex than the Halahala and Kalakuta poisons, highlighting the profound nature of attachment to the divine.[17]
From: Vishnu Purana (Taylor)
(1) Akrura's strong affection towards Krishna, leading him to comply with Kamsa's commands despite their treachery.[18]