Significance of Lifestyle disorder
Lifestyle disorders refer to health issues that arise from unhealthy lifestyle choices, including poor dietary habits, lack of physical activity, excessive stress, and other modern lifestyle factors. These conditions can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of lifestyle disorders has increased significantly due to sedentary living and poor nutrition associated with contemporary life, highlighting the need for healthier habits and preventive measures to mitigate these health risks.
Synonyms: Health condition, Lifestyle disease, Chronic illness, Non-communicable disease, Chronic disease, Metabolic disorder, Lifestyle-related illness
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The concept of Lifestyle disorder in scientific sources
Lifestyle disorder encompasses health issues stemming from modern eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, influenced by daily routines, dietary choices, and environmental interactions, contributing to conditions like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Health issues resulting from poor habits or practices that can lead to vitiation of the Strotas.[1] (2) Health issues that arise from lifestyle choices, commonly including conditions like hypothyroidism in modern contexts.[2] (3) Health conditions that are primarily influenced by one's habits, such as poor eating and physical inactivity, with hypertension being a prevalent example.[3] (4) Lifestyle Disorders are diseases that arise from an individual's habitual choices, particularly relating to diet and activity, where improper dietary habits play a significant role.[4] (5) Health issues arising due to modern living habits, often exacerbated by inadequate sleep and poor nutrition.[5]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Health issues arising from poor lifestyle choices, including dietary habits and physical inactivity, which can contribute to various diseases, including eye-related conditions.[6] (2) Health problems related to the individual's lifestyle choices, including physical inactivity, poor diet, and stress, which can increase the risk of hypertension.[7] (3) Health issues arising from modern fast-paced lifestyles, notably including insomnia, which leads to the need for outpatient treatment.[8] (4) Health issues primarily influenced by an individual's behavior, activities, and choices, which may lead to chronic diseases.[9] (5) Health issues that arise from modern lifestyle choices, including poor eating habits and lack of physical activity, leading to deterioration of strength.[10]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Health problems that arise from improper lifestyle choices and practices, often exacerbated by not following seasonal regimens.[11] (2) Health issues arising from unhealthy lifestyle choices, including conditions like diabetes, obesity, and coronary artery disease.[12] (3) Health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and depression that are linked to modern dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles.[13] (4) A health condition caused by modern living behaviors, such as lack of exercise and poor postures, contributing to Manyastambha.[14] (5) Chronic health issues, such as obesity and diabetes, that millets can help manage through their nutritional profile and health benefits.[15]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Health conditions arising from unhealthy patterns of living, such as improper food habits, lack of physical activity, and mental stress, contributing to diseases like obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.[16] (2) Health issues arising from modern eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, highlighting the need for better dietary practices.[17] (3) Health conditions primarily influenced by an individual's routine and behavior, commonly observed in people with higher socioeconomic status.[18] (4) Conditions arising due to modern lifestyle choices, including Manyastambha, influenced by factors like diet and posture.[19] (5) Illnesses linked to modern lifestyle choices, often resulting from poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity.[20]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Health conditions that arise predominantly from lifestyle choices, including diet and physical activity, with type 2 diabetes being a significant example.[21] (2) These are health issues stemming from an individual's daily habits, such as diet and physical activity, which have become the leading cause of death and disability worldwide.[22] (3) Health issues arising from improper diet, lack of exercise, and poor lifestyle choices.[23] (4) Lifestyle diseases are our own creation, often resulting from modernization, affluence, and technological development that lead to sedentary lifestyles.[24] (5) Health issues such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity that can potentially be managed with Rasayana therapies.[25]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) Conditions that result from behavioral choices, which yoga aims to prevent and manage.[26] (2) Health conditions that arise due to unhealthy lifestyle choices, accounting for over half of annual global deaths.[27] (3) Health issues that arise primarily from daily habits, including diabetes and obesity.[28] (4) Health conditions related to lifestyle choices, which have a high prevalence in today's society and may benefit from yoga.[29]