Significance of Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning is described as the continuous pursuit of knowledge and understanding throughout one's life, which enhances personal and spiritual development. In the context of Mahayana philosophy, it emphasizes serving oneself and others through this journey. Historically in India, it has involved various learning methods, including instruction from teachers and interactions with peers. Additionally, in fields like pharmacy education, lifelong learning is recognized as vital for ongoing personal and professional growth, highlighting its significance across different disciplines.

Synonyms: Continuous education, Lifelong education, Continuous professional development, Adult education, Continuous learning

In Dutch: Levenslang leren; In German: Praxis und Weiterbildung; In Finnish: Elinikäinen oppiminen; In Spanish: Aprendizaje permanente

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Buddhist concept of 'Lifelong learning'

The concept of Lifelong learning in local and regional sources

The concept of Lifelong learning in scientific sources

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