Significance of Life-style

Life-style is defined in various contexts, each emphasizing different aspects of living. According to Kavya, it highlights historical nobility. Yoga characterizes life-style as behaviors contributing to mental turmoil. Vedanta connects it to the divine manifestations on Earth, while Indian history reflects on the Bauls' struggles and values. Scientific perspectives focus on health impacts, noting how dietary habits, daily activities, and modern routines can lead to health issues. Overall, life-style encompasses the habits and choices that profoundly affect an individual's health and well-being.

Synonyms: Lifestyle, Way of life, Mode of living, Daily routine, Manner of living, Daily life

In Dutch: Leefstijl; In Finnish: Elämäntapa; In Spanish: Estilo de vida

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Life-style'

The concept of Life-style in local and regional sources

The concept of Life-style in scientific sources

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