Significance of Legendary tales

The term legendary tales encompasses stories from the Puranas, which are crafted to highlight significant themes without distraction. Additionally, these tales, as described in Kavya, include narratives passed down through generations that often incorporate magical elements alongside moral lessons. Both interpretations emphasize the importance of these stories in shaping and reflecting cultural identity, ensuring that they resonate with audiences while preserving core values and traditions.

Synonyms: Mythical stories, Epic narratives, Folklore, Legendary narratives, Heroic tales, Traditional stories

In Dutch: Legendarisch verhaal; In Finnish: Legendaarisia tarinoita; In Spanish: Cuentos legendarios

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Legendary tales'

The concept of Legendary tales in local and regional sources

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