Significance of Lack of knowledge

Lack of knowledge is a pervasive issue across various disciplines and belief systems, highlighting significant gaps in understanding. In Jainism, it denotes an acknowledgment of wisdom gaps. Vaishnavism describes it as deficiencies in awareness of concepts like alankara-shastra and spiritual truths. Purana emphasizes its role in binding individuals to cycles of suffering. Vedanta relates it to the ignorance of cause and effect, while Theravada connects it to broader educational themes. Lastly, science identifies lack of knowledge as a barrier in healthcare, affecting medication management and disease awareness.

Synonyms: Ignorance, Unawareness, Illiteracy, Deficiency of knowledge

In Dutch: Gebrek aan kennis; In German: Mangelndes Wissen; In Finnish: Tiedon puute; In Spanish: Falta de conocimiento

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Lack of knowledge'

Hindu concept of 'Lack of knowledge'

Jain concept of 'Lack of knowledge'

The concept of Lack of knowledge in scientific sources

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