Significance of Kshara-Karma

Kshara-Karma is an Ayurvedic therapeutic procedure that employs the application of caustic alkaline substances (Kshara) to treat various medical conditions, particularly hemorrhoids and cervical erosion. This method is non-surgical, promoting healing by inducing cauterization, reducing abnormal tissue size, and cleansing wounds. It offers a minimal-invasive alternative to traditional surgical procedures, characterized by its ability to manage vitiated Tridoshas effectively. Kshara-Karma is gaining popularity for its minimal side effects and successful outcomes in treating chronic ailments.

Synonyms: Surgical procedure, Caustic treatment, Chemical treatment, Chemical cautery

In Dutch: Kshara-Karma; In Finnish: Kshara-Karma; In Spanish: Kshara-Karma

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Kshara-Karma'

The concept of Kshara-Karma in scientific sources

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