Significance of Kaphapitta
Kaphapitta is a term from Ayurvedic medicine referring to a combination of two doshas, Kapha and Pitta. This mixture aids in balancing excess levels of these doshas, essential for maintaining health. In Ayurvedic practice, imbalances in Kaphapitta may lead to health issues such as hypothyroidism and Amlapitta, due to their interconnected effects on bodily functions. Understanding Kaphapitta is crucial in addressing and preventing disorders associated with its imbalance, highlighting its importance in Ayurvedic medicine.
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Hindu concept of 'Kaphapitta'
Kaphapitta in Hinduism represents a combination of two doshas from Ayurvedic medicine. This mixture is believed to aid in balancing excess levels of Kapa and Pitta doshas, promoting overall health.
From: Rasa Jala Nidhi, vol 4: Iatrochemistry
(1) Two of the three doshas in Ayurvedic medicine; the mixture is said to help balance excess of these doshas.[1]
The concept of Kaphapitta in scientific sources
Kaphapitta is an Ayurvedic concept representing an imbalance of Kapha and Pitta doshas, potentially leading to disorders like hypothyroidism and Amlapitta, reflecting a specific body constitution influencing overall health and bodily functions.
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A combination of two doshas that, when imbalanced, may lead to disorders like hypothyroidism, due to their interrelated influences on bodily functions.[2] (2) Doshas in Ayurveda that are responsible for bodily functions, whose imbalance is implicated in health issues like Amlapitta.[3]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Refers to two of the three doshas in Ayurveda that represent body energies; in the context of Mukhadushika, they are involved in the vitiation leading to acne.[4] (2) A specific body constitution type represented in the study characterized by a combination of Kapha and Pitta doshas.[5]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Terms in Ayurveda representing specific doshas (body types) associated with particular symptoms and treatments.[6]