Significance of Jewel

The concept of Jewel varies across different traditions. In Jainism, it generally refers to any precious stone or ornament and includes materials for creating a vaikriya-body. In Vaishnavism, it signifies valuable items given by figures such as Lord Krishna and Jambavan, symbolizing wealth and luxury. Additionally, in Purana, it represents the significance of beauty in the narrative. In Theravada, the term denotes both a desired object from a mythical figure and the valuable aspects of faith and teachings, illustrating its multifaceted meanings.1
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Synonyms: Gem, Precious stone, Treasure, Ornament

In Dutch: Juweel; In German: Juwel; In Finnish: Helmi; In Spanish: Joya

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Jewel'

Hindu concept of 'Jewel'

Jain concept of 'Jewel'

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