Significance of Irritation
Irritation, as defined by science, is a skin reaction resulting from the use of harsh soaps or high-alkaline products. This condition manifests as discomfort and dryness on the skin. It emphasizes the importance of using gentle cleansing products to avoid adverse effects on the skin's integrity and comfort. Understanding the causes of irritation can help prevent discomfort and maintain healthy skin.
Synonyms: Frustration, Displeasure, Exasperation, Nuisance, Disturbance
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The concept of Irritation in scientific sources
Irritation is a skin response caused by harsh soaps or high-alkaline products, resulting in discomfort and dryness. It highlights the negative effects of certain substances on skin health.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A skin response that can occur from the use of harsh soaps or high-alkaline products, leading to discomfort and dryness.[1]