Significance of Introspection

Introspection, as described across various philosophical and spiritual traditions, refers to the reflective examination of one’s inner thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In Vaishnavism, it emphasizes self-examination relating to one's spiritual state and surrender to God. Vedanta focuses on personal growth through inner reflection, while Mahayana highlights maintaining bodhicitta through self-examination. Theravada emphasizes moral conduct through self-examination, and Indian history underscores self-reflection in understanding one's motivations. Lastly, Kavyashastra defines introspection as a deep absorption of context, illustrating its multifaceted importance across traditions.1
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Synonyms: Self-examination, Self-reflection, Self-analysis, Contemplation, Reflection, Meditation

In Dutch: Introspectie; In German: Selbstbeobachtung; In Finnish: Itsetutkiskelu; In Spanish: Introspección

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Introspection'

Hindu concept of 'Introspection'

The concept of Introspection in local and regional sources

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