Significance of Internal and external

The concept of Internal and external varies across different philosophical and cultural frameworks. In Buddhism, it highlights the illusionary divisions between self and the world. Similarly, in Vaishnavism, it pertains to the Lord's presence within and outside oneself. Vastushastra and Shilpashastra classify deities based on internal and external roles. Vedanta distinguishes between internal mind perceptions and external sensory experiences. Additionally, in Ayurvedic treatments, internal and external refers to different medicinal applications. Overall, these interpretations emphasize interconnectedness and duality.

Synonyms: Inner and outer, Inside and outside, Interior and exterior

In Dutch: Intern en extern; In German: Intern und extern; In Finnish: Sisäinen ja ulkoinen; In Spanish: Interno y externo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Internal and external'

Hindu concept of 'Internal and external'

The concept of Internal and external in scientific sources

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