Significance of Interdependence

Interdependence is a key principle in various philosophical and spiritual contexts, highlighting the mutual reliance of elements within different systems. In Buddhism, it emphasizes that all phenomena arise conditioned by various causes, while Tibetan Buddhism points to the connection between speaker's knowledge and validation of their statements. Similarly, Purana discusses the inseparable nature of the Gunas and sense organs. Mahayana Buddhism expands on this by illustrating the interconnectedness of all phenomena, demonstrating how actions and events influence one another. In social and scientific contexts, interdependence underlines the importance of mutual support within communities.

Synonyms: Interconnectedness, Dependence, Synergy, Mutual dependence, Reciprocity, Interconnection

In Dutch: Onderlinge afhankelijkheid; In German: Interdependenz; In Finnish: Keskinäinen riippuvuus; In Spanish: Interdependencia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Interdependence'

Hindu concept of 'Interdependence'

The concept of Interdependence in local and regional sources

The concept of Interdependence in scientific sources

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