Significance of Intellectual power

Intellectual power, as defined across various traditions, encompasses the mental capability to comprehend, analyze, and reason. In Buddhism, it signifies wisdom achieved through spiritual training. The Purana describes it as an inner force linked to divine essence, enhancing understanding and perception. Vedanta emphasizes that intellectual power alone cannot lead to realization of Parabrahman without divine grace. Historically, it denotes qualities of critical thought and insightful reasoning, exemplified by figures like Mahatma Gandhi. In science, it refers to cognitive abilities that improve memory and understanding through practices like Swarna prashana.

Synonyms: Cognitive ability, Mental capacity, Intelligence, Reasoning ability, Thought power, Intellect, Reasoning, Wit, Sagacity, Sharpness

In Dutch: Intellectuele kracht; In German: Intellektuelle Kraft; In Finnish: Intellektuaalinen voima; In Spanish: Poder intelectual

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Intellectual power'

Hindu concept of 'Intellectual power'

The concept of Intellectual power in local and regional sources

The concept of Intellectual power in scientific sources

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