Significance of Intellectual Ability

Intellectual Ability is defined differently across Tibetan Buddhism, Purana, and Science. In Tibetan Buddhism, it pertains to the varying cognitive abilities of students that influence their receptiveness to empowerments. Purana views it as the intuition of the supreme soul, distinct from philosophy. Meanwhile, Science associates Intellectual Ability with cognitive functions like reasoning and problem-solving, noting its potential impairment in conditions such as severe epilepsy syndromes like Dravet syndrome.

Synonyms: Cognitive capacity, Mental acuity, Intelligence, Cognitive capability, Intellectual capacity, Mental ability, Intellect

In Dutch: Intellectuele vaardigheden; In German: Intellektuelle Fähigkeiten; In Finnish: Intellektuaalinen kyky; In Spanish: Capacidad intelectual

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Intellectual Ability'

Hindu concept of 'Intellectual Ability'

The concept of Intellectual Ability in scientific sources

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