Significance of Instance
Synonyms: Example, Case, Illustration
In Finnish: Esimerkki; In Dutch: Aanleg; In Spanish: Instancia
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Instance'
In Buddhism, "Instance" signifies a specific occurrence or example that helps clarify proposed definitions and illustrates their relevance, emphasizing the application of concepts in real-life situations for deeper understanding and insight.
From: Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
(1) Specific examples or cases used in arguments to support claims about the presence of characteristics like color.[1] (2) Refers to a specific case or example cited within the argument being discussed.[2] (3) A specific case or example provided to illustrate a point.[3] (4) A specific occurrence or example that is discussed in relation to proposed definitions and their applicability.[4]
Hindu concept of 'Instance'
In Hinduism, "Instance" signifies a particular example that demonstrates the connection between reasoning and conclusions, serving as a critical tool for understanding complex philosophical arguments and teachings.
From: Padarthadharmasamgraha and Nyayakandali
(1) A specific example used to illustrate the relationship between a reason and the conclusion within an argument.[5]