Significance of Innocent

The keyphrase "Innocent" has various interpretations across different traditions. In Jainism, it denotes the state of Varshneya, acknowledging crime-free arrest, and reflects Sita's purity amid blame. In Vaishnavism, it refers to those unaware of the true essence of rati. Theravada describes Culakala's innocence as validated by witnesses. Lastly, in India’s historical context, it signifies individuals harmed by the king, emphasizing wrongful actions. Each perspective highlights the significance of innocence within its cultural and philosophical framework.1
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Synonyms: Naive, Guileless, Blameless, Pure, Sinless, Simple, Virtuous, Guiltless, Clean, Faultless

In Dutch: Onschuldig; In German: Unschuldig; In Finnish: Viaton; In Spanish: Inocente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Innocent'

Hindu concept of 'Innocent'

Jain concept of 'Innocent'

The concept of Innocent in local and regional sources

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