Significance of Inner world
The concept of the Inner world, as described in Purana, encompasses the subjective experiences of an individual, influenced by personal desires and ego. It also represents the mental and spiritual landscape, where memories, thoughts, and reflective states reside. This dual aspect highlights the Inner world as a profound realm that shapes an individual's identity and introspective journey.
Synonyms: Inner self, Subconscious, Psyche, Inner space, Emotional landscape, Inner life, Inner mind, Inner being, Inner consciousness, Internal world
In Dutch: Innerlijke wereld; In German: Innere; In Finnish: Sisäinen maailma; In Spanish: Mundo interior
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Inner world'
In Hinduism, the Inner world encompasses an individual's mental and spiritual landscape, including memories and thoughts, influenced by personal desires and ego, highlighting the importance of self-reflection and subjective experience.
From: Yoga-sutras (Ancient and Modern Interpretations)
(1) The exploration of one's own identity and existence beyond external inquiries.[1] (2) The realm of consciousness that can be explored through introspection and meditation.[2] (3) The personal, subjective experience and consciousness within an individual, distinct from external reality.[3] (4) The realm of personal consciousness and inner thoughts that a yogi connects with.[4] (5) The contemplative space an artist engages with during dhyana, reflecting personal and emotional experiences.[5]
From: Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4
(1) The mental context that the living soul perceives through its internal senses.[6] (2) Refers to the mental and spiritual landscape of a person, where memories, thoughts, and reflective states exist.[7] (3) The subjective experience of an individual, shaped by one's desires and egoism.[8]
The concept of Inner world in local and regional sources
The keyphrase "Inner world" symbolizes peace and tranquility, reflecting the nurturing qualities of the female spirit, in contrast to the external world's stress and tension. It embodies a serene, introspective sanctuary amidst external chaos.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) Represents peace and tranquility, associated with the female spirit in contrast to the external world's tension.[9]
The concept of Inner world in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Inner world" emphasizes the significance of self-reflection and personal consciousness, especially as a refuge during overwhelming external circumstances, showcasing the importance of mental space for emotional resilience and clarity.
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) The focus of one’s thoughts and consciousness, especially when the outer world becomes overwhelming.[10]