Significance of Inner world

The concept of the Inner world, as described in Purana, encompasses the subjective experiences of an individual, influenced by personal desires and ego. It also represents the mental and spiritual landscape, where memories, thoughts, and reflective states reside. This dual aspect highlights the Inner world as a profound realm that shapes an individual's identity and introspective journey.

Synonyms: Inner self, Subconscious, Psyche, Inner space, Emotional landscape, Inner life, Inner mind, Inner being, Inner consciousness, Internal world

In Dutch: Innerlijke wereld; In German: Innere; In Finnish: Sisäinen maailma; In Spanish: Mundo interior

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Inner world'

The concept of Inner world in local and regional sources

The concept of Inner world in scientific sources

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