Significance of Indigenous Drug

Indigenous Drug, according to Ayurveda, refers to medicinal plants and substances that are native to India, emphasizing their long-standing role in traditional medicine documented in texts like the Sushruta Samhita. These substances, including plants like Azadirachta indica and Butea monosperma, are integral to ancient practices and are currently being investigated scientifically. Indigenous drugs are natural formulations from local flora, used for health issues, reinforcing their significance within both local and cultural healing practices in the Indian context.

Synonyms: Traditional medicine, Herbal treatment, Folk remedy, Indigenous healing, Herbal remedy, Natural remedy, Folk medicine

In Dutch: Inheemse Drugs; In Finnish: Alkuperäinen huume; In Spanish: Droga indígena

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Indigenous Drug'

The concept of Indigenous Drug in scientific sources

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