Significance of Indicator
In Tibetan Buddhism, the term Indicator signifies a representation or signal that points towards a deeper understanding, particularly the connection established through cognizance. This concept emphasizes how certain representations can lead one to comprehend more profound truths or realities, highlighting the relationship between awareness and insight in Buddhist teachings. The notion of Indicators plays a vital role in guiding practitioners towards enlightenment and a greater understanding of their spiritual path.1
Synonyms: Sign, Gauge, Measure, Reference., Mark, Index, Hint
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Buddhist concept of 'Indicator'
In Buddhism, the term "Indicator" symbolizes a representation or signal that signifies deeper connections contingent upon awareness and understanding, guiding practitioners toward insights beyond surface reality.
Significance of Indicator in Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana or tantric Buddhism):
Tibetan Buddhism
From: Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
(1) A representation or signal that points to something else, in this case, the connection that relies on cognizance.[1]