Significance of Immense joy

Immense joy in Vaishnavism is described as the expressive happiness felt by the Alvar through deep connections with the Lord and love reciprocity. It also includes the joy derived from personal spiritual journeys and emotional interactions, such as Shri Krishna's playful engagements. In the Purana context, it encompasses the happiness of characters like Sampati and Shanti during significant life events. In Mahayana, it relates to the overwhelming joy of discovering treasures or experiencing the presence of buddhas, while in Indian history, it highlights the joy felt by Chitraketu and Kritadyuti upon their son's birth.

Synonyms: Great happiness, Extreme delight, Profound happiness, Intense joy, Boundless joy, Sheer delight, Elation, Ecstasy, Exhilaration, Delight

In Dutch: Immense vreugde; In German: Riesige Freude; In Finnish: Valtava ilo; In Spanish: Alegría inmensa

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Immense joy'

Hindu concept of 'Immense joy'

The concept of Immense joy in local and regional sources

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