Significance of Illustration

Illustration, as outlined in various traditions such as Tibetan Buddhism, Natyashastra, Vyakarana, Vedanta, Dharmashastra, Mahayana, and Kavyashastra, serves to clarify complex concepts through examples, metaphors, and visual elements. In Tibetan Buddhism, illustration uses perception to elucidate ideas related to potency and cognizance. Similarly, Vyakarana emphasizes the use of specific examples to showcase relationships between words, while Vedanta employs analogies to explain spiritual principles. Overall, illustration plays a significant role in enhancing understanding across various texts and philosophies.1
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Synonyms: Drawing, Picture, Representation, Image

In Dutch: Illustratie; In German: Illustration; In Finnish: Kuva; In Spanish: Ilustración

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Illustration'

Hindu concept of 'Illustration'

The concept of Illustration in local and regional sources

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