Significance of Ideal person

The concept of the Ideal person varies across different traditions. In Purana, it represents a universal entity imagined to encompass all forms. Vedanta describes the Ideal person as someone embodying all desirable qualities achieved through strength and earnestness. In Indian history, the Ideal person exemplifies the pinnacle of human excellence and serves as a role model, often seen in characters from epic tales like the Ramayana, embodying virtue and excellence that transcend time.

Synonyms: Perfect individual, Paragon, Role model, Archetype, Perfect example

In Dutch: Ideale persoon; In Finnish: Ihanteellinen ihminen; In Spanish: Persona ideal

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Ideal person'

The concept of Ideal person in local and regional sources

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