Significance of Hymn

According to Purana, Hymn refers to devotional songs or chants that express reverence and are recited during worship to invoke blessings from deities. These sacred verses play a vital role in rituals, honoring the divine and enhancing the effectiveness of the rites. Additionally, Hymn includes songs aimed at praising deities, particularly Shiva, and is noted in Dharmashastra as a religious song or poem recited during ceremonies. Overall, Hymn signifies a spiritual expression of devotion and worship in Indian tradition.1
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Synonyms: Song of praise, Chant, Spiritual song, Sacred song, Spiritual, Prayer

In Dutch: Hymne; In Finnish: Hymni

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Hymn'

The concept of Hymn in local and regional sources

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