Significance of Historical migration

Historical migration encompasses the documented movement of people across different regions for various reasons throughout history. In the context of India, it specifically refers to the migration of brahmanas in Gujarat during the Maitrakas' rule. Additionally, it includes the broader movement of populations, like Indian physicians, influencing medicinal practices elsewhere. Over time, this concept also reflects the journey of cultural elements, such as the umbrella, from their origins in the East to their adoption in Western cultures.

Synonyms: Migration patterns

In Dutch: Historische migratie; In German: Historische Migration; In Finnish: Historiallinen muuttoliike; In Spanish: Migración histórica

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Historical migration'

The concept of Historical migration in local and regional sources

The concept of Historical migration in scientific sources

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