Significance of Hindu mythology

Hindu mythology encompasses a vast collection of stories, legends, and teachings that frame the moral and ethical dimensions of Hindu culture. It includes narratives about gods, such as Vishnu and Krishna, detailing their interactions and the cosmic struggles they engage in. This body of myths serves as a cultural backdrop, providing context for religious beliefs, practices, and festivals within Hinduism. Hindu mythology is integral to understanding the spiritual and moral lessons that guide the Hindu worldview and traditions.1
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Synonyms: Hindu tradition, Hindu legend, Hindu belief system, Indian mythology, Vedic mythology

In Dutch: Hindoeïstische mythologie; In Finnish: Hindulainen mytologia; In Spanish: Mitología hindú

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Hindu mythology'

Hindu concept of 'Hindu mythology'

The concept of Hindu mythology in local and regional sources

The concept of Hindu mythology in scientific sources

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