Significance of Highest god

The Highest god in various religious contexts signifies the supreme deity with ultimate authority and power. In Hinduism, the Highest god often refers to Brahman, Vishnu, or Narayana, who embody creation, preservation, and destruction. Jainism recognizes the Highest god as exalted deities achieving spiritual realms through practice. According to Purana, the Highest god signifies Vishnu's supremacy as a protective force. In Vedanta, the Highest god represents the perfect unity of existence, while Theravada alludes to elevated divine beings in the spiritual hierarchy.

Synonyms: Supreme deity, Supreme being, Creator, Omnipotent one, Divine being, Godhead, Ultimate reality, Chief deity, Leading deity.

In Dutch: Hoogste god; In German: Höchster Gott; In Finnish: Ylin jumala; In Spanish: Dios supremo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Highest god'

Hindu concept of 'Highest god'

Jain concept of 'Highest god'

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